Retail Giants in America

Where all is made in China....

Let me introduce you all to Target. Some people pronounce it as "Tarjay" but that's just being pretentious. Target is like a Walmart - a huge store selling everything from food to DVDs to clothes to furniture at deep discounts. I love it when I'm in "bargain mode" - where else can you get such a splendid selection of tea towels or shower curtains for $2.99? Their clothes aren't great (even if Isaac Mizrahi did a collection for them) but for fairly modern/decent home furnishings, you can't beat them on price. Almost every item for sale in Target is made in China. Correction - any item any US store sells these days is made in China. Who can blame companies for moving their manufacturing plants - such low labor costs! No need to negotiate with unions on pensions, medical benefits and minimum wage! A funny story I read in the Wall Street Journal - one hapless woman vowed to buy "Made in USA" for all her Christmas presents. She struggled and struggled. Found it extremely tough. In the end, she bought her husband for Christmas a pre-paid car parking pass - good for 2 months! "You have to get creative", she said.


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