Let's speak American English!

As you all know, I have pretty much lost the plummier aspects of the British twang - I sound English enough to Americans who are less discerning but positively transatlantic to the homeland. I have also picked up some new terms for everyday objects to prevent general confusion in American society. A selection below:

Ones you may know already

Courgette = Zucchini
Aubergine = Eggplant
Chemist = Drugstore
Motorway = Highway
Lift = Elevator
Biscuit = Cookie
Trousers = Pants

Less Obvious Ones

Jam = Jelly ( What we call Jelly, they call Jello)
Queue = Line Up (Can't believe they do not know the word 'queue'. This one surprised me)
Grill = Broil (Before I looked it up, I thought broil was an interesting mix between boiling and grilling)
Clingfilm = Plastic wrap
Roundabout = Rotary

Differences between English and American words is a good topic to tackle in situations of extreme boredom.


kjk said…
All this time i thought eggplant was some obscure vegetable that just never managed to catch on in the UK..now I know better!

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